ZenJen Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy, in Woodland Park, Colorado
Update 11-8-2020 Due to increasing numbers in positive Covid-19 cases in Teller County, ZenJen Massage Therapy will be soft closing until further notice. ZenJen will take emergency cases of current clients on a case by case basis. At this time, no new clients will be seen. Online booking will not be available during this time. Stay safe! - Jen

Welcome to ZenJen Massage Therapy.

Update 4-30-20

ZenJen Massage Therapy will be soft opening, May 1, 2020.  Please note the following guidelines to adhere to when coming for bodywork:

  1. Masks will be worn by clients as well as the therapist.  No exceptions.
  2. If you are feeling ill, cancel your appointment.  All cancelation fees will be waived.
  3. If you have any Covid-19 symptoms or other communicable health symptoms, cancel your appointment.
  4. If you have had a fever within the last 24 hours, cancel your appointment.
  5. If you have recently been to a Covid-19 active area or been around people who have tested positive and have not quarantined for 14 days, cancel your appointment.
  6. If you are over 65 or have any compromised health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, do not schedule an appointment.

ZenJen making changes in cleaning protocols and spacing of appointments to comply with the CDC standard for safe practice in opening up.  

  1. Appointments will be limited to 3 clients per day. ZenJen will be open Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  2. The studio has been cleaned and sterilized.  All sheets, towels and blankets have been rewashed.
  3. Appointments will allow ample time to clean and sterilize touch points between clients.
  4. ZenJen welcomes and highly encourages using touchless methods of payment (Venmo, Paypal). One can also pay online via ZenJen Massage's Massagebook account.  If paying in cash, please place cash in an envelope.

I am looking forward to working with you soon!

Update 3-20-2020

Acting in compliance with the order from the Governor of Colorado, in regards to the Coronavirus Pandemic, ZenJen Massage Therapy will remain closed until April 30 or further notice.  Until then, practice social distancing and hand washing.  

Take Care, Jen

Update 3-13-2020

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, ZenJen Massage will be closed March 17-31. All massages scheduled for March 16 are still on but are subject to change.  While we have had NO contact with anyone with the virus, we are working to be proactive and preventive.  We value our client's health and wellness.  We will reassess reopening late March.  Until the, wash your hands.

Thank you for understanding.


To schedule an appointment call: 620-217-1033

Whether you are in need of a relaxing massage or one that is therapeutic in nature, you have come to the right place.  First time clients often comment on the uniqueness of the massage they receive from ZenJen.  If you are in search of pain relief, consider scheduling a Myofascial Release bodywork session.  Jen is certified in John F. Barnes Myofascial Release (MFR).  This form of work is incredibly effective for clients and is quickly changing the spectrum of her business.

RELAX - If you are just needing a retreat from the effects of everyday stress, ZenJen suggests trying an Integrated Massage, Hot Stone or a Chair Massage.  Basic massage therapy can reduce blood pressure and help eliminate cortisol levels that are associated with stress.

RESTORE - Pain suffers and athletes will tremendously from John F. Barnes Myofascial Release.  This form of bodywork is gentle, however, it produces wonderful results.  Function and improved range of motion can be greatly improve and pain relieved.  Nearly all clients who use this form of therapy never go back to receiving massages.

RENEW - Massage, and especially Myofascial Release, can give clients a renewed sense of well-being and health.  That, coupled with improved and pain free movement give clients freedom to return to activity that they may have been unable to do.

Schedule your next bodywork session with ZenJen today by calling 620-217-1033.

Zen Jen is Board Certified in Theraputic Massage and Bodywork (BCTMB), and is an ACSM Certified Excerise Physiologist (EP-C) serving clients in Woodland Park, Colorado (with a satellite office in Hesston, Kansas).  

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 620-217-1033
633 W. Midland Ave., Woodland Park, CO 80863
© Copyright 2025 ZenJen Massage Therapy. All rights reserved.